TICA Ragdoll Breed Standard

Breed Standards and Masterpiece Aspirations

Modified Wedge e1704756048442
Head Shape

In the modified wedge head shape of the Ragdoll, you want to see gentle flowing lines, with the muzzle blending nicely into the rest of the head which creates the wedge appearance– no sharpness or squareness to the lines of the head. No one feature should stand out in size compared to the other features of the head. Every trait on the head should blend easily with each other.

The Modified Wedge
TICA Ragdoll Breed Committee - https://www.masterpieceragdolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Modified-Wedge-e1704755952708.png
Flat Plane e1704756225663
The Appearance of a flat plane.

We are visually seeking a flat plane between the ears.

This is NOT a trait we will assess with our hands.  Roundness of the top head/ plane between the ears changes the “look” that the Ragdoll is known for. Remember that the standard asks for “appearance of”– not an actual structural skull flatness (skull may feel flat or rounded, but should always appear completely flat).

The Appearance of a flat plane.
TICA Ragdoll Breed Committee - https://www.masterpieceragdolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Flat-Plane-e1704756225663.png
The Ragdoll Profile
  • Chin well developed & in line with the nose.
  • Straight nose to bridge followed by a change of direction.
  • Gentle curve to brow.
  • Slightly rounded forehead (not domed), followed by the appearance of a flat plane on top of head between ears.
  • Ears slightly tilted forward.
The Profile
TICA Ragdoll Breed Committee - https://www.masterpieceragdolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Profile-.png
Profile Chin
90 degrees

We should be able to see the appearance of a 90 degree angle. The chin should be perfectly aligned with the nose, dense and full (“well developed”).

The ragdoll breed is currently struggling to maintain this trait. Proper alignment of the jaw is both aesthetically pleasing and important for long term health.

The Well Developed Chin
TICA Ragdoll Breed Committee - https://www.masterpieceragdolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Profile-Chin.png
Flat Plane and ear
Correct Ear Placement

The ragdoll ears should be set as much on top of the head as on the side, slightly tilted forward. They should be:

  • Medium in size
  • Broad at base
  • Rounded tip

Ears are especially troublesome in the breed. We will often see tall ears perched atop the head like antennae or tiny, barely noticeable as if they were given by nature as an afterthought. In all things ragdoll, we are looking for moderation!

Ear Placement
TICA Ragdoll Breed Committee
Coat Texture
Coat Texture

Length –  Semi-long, allow for shorter coats on unaltered adults and seasonal variations. Correct coat texture is more important than coat length.

Texture – Silky soft. Minimal undercoat gives the coat body, but coat still falls smoothly. Not wooly or cottony.

CFA describes the coat texture as “minimally wooly.” We aim for the TICA ragdoll breed standard.


Two Areas of Concern
Screenshot 2024 01 08 161147
The Ragdoll Body

Torso: Medium-long to long, substantial. Broad chest. Fat pad on lower abdomen acceptable. Females may be smaller than males.

Legs: Substantial boning, in proportion to body, hind legs slightly longer than front legs.

Feet: Large, round, tufting desirable.

Tail: Equal to length of body. Thicker at base, with slight taper.

Boning: Substantial.

Musculature: Well-muscled with solid weight.

The Ragdoll Body
TICA Ragdoll Breed Committee - https://www.masterpieceragdolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Screenshot-2024-01-08-161147.png

Ragdoll Qualities

The Ragdoll is a large affectionate, semi-longhaired cat with captivating blue eyes. One of the largest breeds in the cat fancy, the Ragdoll gets along well with children and other pets, including dogs, often living up to its name as it gets carried around the house in a child’s arms. These sturdy cats have no extreme features and blend easily in to the busy modern household.

The Ragdoll’s medium length, silky coat has a soft rabbit-like texture. There is little shedding of the coat except in the spring and fall. Its soft texture means it stays on top of surfaces and is easy to pick-up with a hand or damp cloth.

All pointed Ragdolls have beautiful blue eyes and come in 3 patterns: colorpoint, bicolor, mitted.

Colorpoint Ragdolls have classic markings like the Siamese with no white anywhere on the body.

Mitted Ragdolls have white feet in the front looking like mittens and white to the hock on the back legs looking like boots along with a possible white blaze on the face.

Bicolor Ragdolls have more white extending higher up the legs than on the mitteds, splashes of white on the back, a white underside and an inverted white V on the face.

The Ragdoll color pallet consists of seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn, red and cream along with the tortoiseshell and lynx (or tabby) variations.

The Ragdoll is one of the largest of the cat breeds and takes up to 4 years to reach full maturity. Fully developed males weigh from 15-20 pounds with the proportionately smaller females weigh from 10-15 pounds. These gentle cats have long, substantial bodies with sturdy boning to match. They have a sweet expression emphasized by the large eyes full of love and devotion. Their features are composed of soft curves and transitions with nothing extreme or exaggerated. The Ragdoll’s plush, silky coat requires little routine grooming, although it should be brushed or combed weekly with a steel comb to remove dead hair from their coats and separate any tangles. During shedding season, be sure to watch for some tangles under the armpits.

Images taken from The Ragdoll Breed Committee Seminar in 2017.


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