Dear Diary

Calvin & Hobbes were right. The days are just packed.

Today, I rushed Sylvia to the vet for an exam, and ultimately, emergency surgery.

Thank God she became ill on a weekday. And thank Dr. Molitor for keeping her alive. She was anemic from not eating and we weren’t sure if she’d even make it through the exploratory surgery. Her uterus has twisted 3 times (Uterine torsion) so he removed her lady parts. Now I can find the perfect family for her to live happily ever after as a retired breeder.

Jack didn’t go to work today so he graciously cleaned Mr. Bennett’s playpen where her kittens (or shall I say shittens) make their midnight mischief. They like to get into the litter box to dig until most of the litter is outside of the box. SMH.

I washed two loads of litter laundry, scrubbed 3 litter boxes, and showered 4 kitten rear ends and a queen. I clipped approximately 45 kitten claws. I gave 3 FVRCP injections to Alice’s litter of seal point ragdolls. We dewormed 13 kittens because, well, why deworm only one litter? If they’re all sharing the same boxes outside in the catio, they might as well all get a round of fenbendazole.

Jack & I unloaded 120 pounds of Mad Butcher’s Wholesome Raw Cat Food. They do such a good job packaging and shipping. Everything was frozen solid.

It was nice to have Jack’s muscles to help me fill the freezers. Lately, I’ve been grinding my own Costco-procured chicken thighs. Ewww GROSS, but it is kinda cute seeing all the baby sharks—I mean kittens—circling my ankles waiting for a piece.

I am in the process of composing a blog about our transition to raw food, or rather our hybrid approach.

Charlotte turns her nose up at the food now. It’s day 63 of gestation, so she could go into labor any minute. I’m watching her now – which means I have time to write this. I need to chart a little and compile health records anyway…. Sarah’s doing well at the routine cattery cleaning and replenishing supplies. That reminds me – I need to get her a Costco card so she can stock up on paper plates, paper towels, bleach, zip locks, and nitrile gloves.

Today I spoke with Lisa, who has one of our Masterpieces in 2022; she wants a pal for her little “Mocha” and I have the perfect boy in mind for her –now that she’s accepting of the idea of a male cat. I don’t know why so many pet seekers prefer a girl. I like male cats. They are big, CHONKY, and docile! Perfect for families. Anyway, I can’t wait to see her this Friday. Most of the time, my days are all about the kitties, but kitten selection day is about people.

I have decided to acquire another show-quality stud from SGC WillowtreeRags. He is a Comet offspring, like Mrs. Bennett. Comet is swoon-worthy! The new little guy is a seal lynx bicolor who carries dilute. He will make lynx bicolor kittens for us more often than what we can make now. I’m thinking about a name still… I’m considering “WillowtreeRags Do I Dare” but he’d go by “Prufrock.” TS Eliot’s “Lovesong” has always been a favorite of mine.



photo courtesy of Mable Roberts,

My email is full of new inquiries, old clients’ updates, and some TICA business. I still owe photos to TICA for the Annual in Tacoma, WA this year. Mr. Bennett is TICA’s 2023 Best Seal Point/Bicolor Ragdoll, the 2nd Best Ragdoll worldwide, and 25th Best Long Hair! In TICA’s Northwest Region, he’s the best long-haired cat and 3rd best all-breed. I am still in shock that we accomplished this in only 3.5 months.

I’m off to deliver Kristie some frozen raw to Longfellow Ragdolls– Kristie’s excited about transitioning her cats over from kibble and canned. We hope to improve the litter boxes, coat texture, and reduce the trash we make. Right now, we just have too many food cans and so much trash.



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